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Hey, I’m Over Here

Since the digital revolution has affected every aspect of business, it should come as no surprise that networking has entered the digital age. To beef

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Axon and Overview from TASER provides police officers with a virtual evidence warehouse from which police and legal professionals can quickly access data gathered from live headcam cameras. First, the AXON HeadCam is activated

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Let me Introduce You …

For entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, finding the right deal often isn’t just about whom you know. It’s also about the people whom those people know.

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The Sharp Edges of Networking

Today I read a great two-part article in about social networking software, entitled “You Are Who You Know” by Andrew Leonard. Leonard raises challenging

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My People Know Your People

London-based international venture capital firm 3i Group PLC wanted to buy part of the chemical business of a German company going through a management upheaval.

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IAC Acquires Zero Degrees

IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:IACI) today announced that the company has acquired ZeroDegrees, an online business networking company.  Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The ZeroDegrees services

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Just Add Water

To build a replica of 15th century Venice in record time, architects used 21st century technology. Even by Las Vegas standards, the Venetian Resort, Hotel

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